IRC: #anime-kissaten@efnet

I guess you see where this is going: This is not a cuddly feelgood experience.
A whole academy of space-service trainees (pilots, stewardesses, cooks, engineers, navigators, etc.) are absolving their curriculum on a training space-station near a space phenomenon called the 'Geduld'. Then suddenly the station start starting uncontrollably into said phenomenon - which would mean certain death.

Powerstruggle ensues.

Meanwhile, the rest of the earth military actively tries to kill them for no discernible reason, forcing them to learn how to use the ships' weapons and defense systems at breakneck speed.
The series really focuses on the crew as a whole, which can be seen by the individual presentation of nearly all of the about 500 surviving students. Nearly everyone gets some screentime - be it a major role or just a short cameo appearance. This care for details can be seen in nearly every aspect of the series - from the characters, the (bogus) physics, the weapon systems and their limitations, space navigation, the enemies and the art.
So much for plot and quality. But how fun is it to watch ?
Well, so-so. It's moderately exciting, the mysterious parts feel rather weird as opposed to enigmatic, the characters are pretty unlikeable, the action is solid and the atmosphere is rather pessimistic. It's not for everyone. Definetly not for the Naruto crowd, but the Evangelion people might take a shine to it.

Conclusion: An excellent anime, but not mainstream enough to be a blockbuster.
aw - I'm sure more people would comment if the site details weren't in german.
I just watched this anime, and it was much, much better than I thought it would be. Kinda Lord of the Flies meets outlaw star, but with cooler theme music.
Watch it.
huh, didn't even notice that all was in german.
but yeah, lord of flies is the first thing that comes in mind. Outlaw star only has the science fiction genre in common, though. No passing relationship to physics and reality in general whatsoever. :D
Nice entertainment, though, and cute catgirl.
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