- Anime 124 votes (55%)
- Hentai - 75 votes (33%)
- TV-Shows - 13 votes (5%)
- Porn - 9 votes (4%)
- Movies - 3 votes (1%)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Poll & Stuff
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lucky Star

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Azumanga Daioh

Anyway, this series is a classic. And it's highly recommended.
Enjoy !
And just in case you wonder where my avatar comes from:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Gankutsuou - The Count of Monte Christo

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Now and then, here and there

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blood+ (BLOOD+ (ブラッドプラス), Buraddo Purasu, pronounced "Blood Plus") is an anime series produced by Production I.G and Aniplex and directed by Junichi Fujisaku. The series premiered in Japan on Sony's anime satellite channel, Animax, as well as on terrestrial networks such as MBS, TBS, and RKB on October 8, 2005. The final episode aired on September 23, 2006. Blood+ is licensed for international distribution in several regions through Sony Picture's international arm, Sony Pictures Television International (SPTI).
Blood+ was inspired by the 2000 anime film Blood: The Last Vampire; however, there are only a few allusions and basic elements from the film. Fujisaku has been involved with both works, including acting as the director for Blood+ and writing the novelization of Blood: The Last Vampire.
Under the care of her adoptive family, Saya Otonashi has been living the life of an anemic and amnesiac, but otherwise ordinary schoolgirl. Saya’s happy life is shattered when she is attacked by a chiropteran, learning that she is the only one who can defeat them.
Armed with her katana, Saya embarks on a journey with her family, allies, and her chevalier, Hagi, to rid the world of chiropteran and rediscover her identity. The course of the journey reveals the background history of the chiropterans and Saya's very deep past, which extends into the mid-19th century.
The series is initially set in present day (September 2005) Okinawa City (Koza), on Okinawa Island, near the US Kadena Air Base. In the course of the series, Saya visits locations across the world, fighting enemy chiropteran and searching for her origins.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Serial Experiments Lain

Poll results & aftermath
- Poll results:
- Hentai (35%)
- Mindfuck (25%)
- Comedy (14%)
- Serious thematics (10%)
- Slice-of-life (7%)
- Action (3%)
- Romance (3%)
- Seirei no Moribito / Guardian of the Sacred Spirit 1-26 [A-Kraze][iphone ready]
Added: 2008-04-08 20:46:58
Completed: 1247 - Emma - A Victorian Romance (Season 1+2 & OST) [iphone ready]
Added: 2008-03-29 22:23:54
Completed: 1168 - Women at Work 1+2 (Gattsu) [iPhoneReady][iFap Hentai]
Added: 2008-09-26 17:42:01
Completed: 1093
Friday, September 26, 2008
Women at Work - The Gattsu [iFap Ready]

Weeeeell, polls are showing hentai in the lead, followed by mindfuck.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Help seeding
Fun with site statistics
- google-search for "iphone ready" lists me as #54. I guess I have to be grateful even for that, since apparently even Tom Cruise is iphone ready. XENU, DELIVER US FROM EVIL !!
- google-search for "iphone ready anime" get's me the #1 spot, yay!
- google-search for "iphone anime" dumps me at #18, right behind lots of anime wallpaper sites. Hmpf.
- google-search for "iComics" lists me as #1. I wonder what the iComics author thinks about that. The iComics guide is the most popular page, too, according to google analytics.
- google-analytics says that you spend an average 1:02 minutes on my blog each visit. I'll have to check how long it takes to read the crap I write, but it sounds about right. But apparently no one bothers to view the embedded youtube vids, eh ?
- google-analytics says that you read fastest when visiting me on sundays. You manage reading in about half the time you usually need.
- Country ranking:
1. USA
2. Canada
3. Germany (we are so polyglot)
4. Great Britain
5. Japan (enjoying the english subs, eh ?) - Number 1 means of finding my blog: google. The most popular search term is not "iComics", "iphone ready" or even "iphone anime" btw... no, it's "iphone hentai" !
So, can I triple my site popularity by releasing iphone anime porn, can't I? I guess i'll have to try in a scientific experiment how comfortable it is watching iPorn one-handed. - The estimated advertising worth of my blog is 0.00$ . I'll have to start the iPorn thingy ...

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Download link not working ?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Air Master

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Video encoding for the iPhone

The avi-format is a simple container that usually contains a video and audio stream and nothing else. Subtitles are inseperable from the video stream, which is why it's called hardcoded. This is a problem if the video resolution does not match your display resolutions (480x320).

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Shakugan no Shana Season 1

Well, the last release met rather underwhelming approval so I guess you want more anime shit.
Ah, don't worry, this series is not THAT bad but don't expect a story worth talking about either.
The authors/anime producers are apparently aware of that fact and blessed us with two bonus episodes "Shakugan no Shanatan 1+2" where they poke fun at their own series. After watching the series (or at least a few episodes) you'll appreciate them too, i think.
Anyway, take this premade synopsis because I'm too lazy to write one myself.
Description from AnimeNFO
He had thought his normal days would last forever, until they were ended abruptly by an encounter with a girl with red hair and eyes. He named her Shana.
Not long after he enters high school, Sakai Yuji's normal days come to an end. He sees something bizarre on his way home: people are frozen in a strange fire, and a monster that looks like a large doll is attacking them. Just when he's about to be killed, a girl in a dark cloak wielding a large sword appears, and slices the monster in half. Although Yuji survives the strange encounter, the girl informs him of a desolate truth: "You don't 'exist' anymore."
She calls herself a Flame Haze who hunts "Kuze no Tomogara"; intruders from another world. She explains to him that he is a "Torch", a substitute of Yuji whose "existence" has already been devoured. She also told him that he is a special Torch, "Mystis", which contains a precious item in it. When he looks at his chest, he sees within himself a faint flame, just as she said.
It is in this way that his eternal struggle alongside the girl begins.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Star Wreck - In the Pirkinning

The storyline goes something like this: Captain Pirk along with his subordinates - the Plingon Dwarf and the Android Info - is stranded in earth's past and decides to conquer the world. Who cares about time paradoxons if you live a shitty life in finnland when you could be traveling the universe anyway!

Star Wreck has a pretty long tradition but this movie was the first one that included professional CGI and human actors (you might enjoy the wiki entry for more info). And it's a feast for the eyes watching the spaceships of the Star Trek and Babylon 5 universe blasting each other apart. The story is pretty funny too, including many insider jokes (Dwarf: Tactical is still missing a chair!) and gags and puns.
It was so popular, it was even dubbed to - japanese. Yes that's right, there's a japanese version out there, although I chose to release the original finnish version with english subtitles.

If you want different subtitles or the japanese version then simply pay the creators' homepage a visit and download everything there: www.starwreck.com
And if you're hooked you can even check out their older works, although they look quite less professional but are still quite funny. Also keep an eye out for their latest project, Iron Sky, where nazis went to the moon in 1945 ... and are now coming back. Might take a while till they finish, though ... it took them 7 years to shot their last movie.
I hope you don't mind the change from anime to finnish fan-made movies. I personally think it's more than worth it. Enjoy !
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
School Rumble Season 2 + OVAs

Description taken from Animenewsnetwork:
Continuing right where season 1 left off: Harima still likes Tenma but still runs into obstacles everytime he tries to confess his love to her. To complicate the situation, Class 2-D challenges class 2-C once again and there's a rumor floating around that Harima and Yakumo are dating as the school prepares for the cultural festival.
The video preview below is from the OVA. Hot Springs ... you probably know what that means even before watching the preview.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

This torrent contains episodes 1-49 (of way over 100). That would be Season 1+2.
Description taken from animenfo:
End of Edo period, aliens called "Amanto" began to invade the Earth, and the war between the Earth and Amanto broke out. During the war, many samurai lost their lives. However, the Earth was no match for the overwhelming weapons of Amand, and they surrendered to Amando. The government became a puppet of Amando, and Amandos had their own way in Edo city. On the other hand, the government banned the samurai from carrying swords. The story takes place around a samuri and their buddies who live in this hard time for samurai,
You're about to visit a braincell-free environment.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
School Rumble Season 1

Description taken from AnimeNfo:
Tsukamoto Tenma is a second grader in high school who, like other girls her age, falls in love. However, she could not bring herself to confess her love to her classmate Karasumaru. She discovers that Karasumaru will transfer out next year and, with the help of her friends and her little sister Yakumo, tries to confess her love. Tenma also uses unorthodox methods such as disguising herself as a nurse or shooting arrows with a love letter attached to express her feelings for him.
On the other hand, Harima Kenji, a delinquent, has feelings for Tenma. Unfortunately, Tenma's preoccupation with Karasumara ensures that she doesn't notice Harima's affection, much to Harima's dismay. To make matters worse, one day, he sees Tenma and Karasumaru having lunch together. This causes him to skip school and embark on a journey of enlightenment.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Full Metal Panic
Download Here

The first thing I thought after reading the title was "Full Metal Jacket Anime". But nothing could be further from the truth. On one hand, you have heavy mecha action and special ops missions with plenty of casualties and no punches pulled. On the other hand we have a high-school comedy. Kinda like a paramilitary Inu Yasha or the result of mixing Black Lagoon with Great Teacher Onizuka.
The key scenario is that of an about 17 year old seargent of a paramilitary counter-terrorist force. He was originally a child-soldier who survived his battle-filled "childhood" in the battlefields of Afghanistan (not against the heroic US soldiers, of course - against the oh-so-evil communists!) and has now some - let's say - social deficits. Nevertheless Sousuke get's appointed the job of undercover agent in a japanese high-school in order to protect a girl with special abilities (although she doesn't know she has them. They are pretty subtle anyway). Kaname Chidori grudgingly puts up with the strange behaviour of her new classmate (such as bringing live grenades to school or blowing up footlockers, "just to be safe").
So, to sum the whole series up in one phrase: Rambo Junior goes to school.
Any boy, I got cramps laughing. If you miss that series then you really - er - missed something. Enjoy!
Sex&Violence: No sex, but sexy. The onsen & swimsuit scenes, as well as panty jokes. Adult - hmm - situations in the second raid, but nothing to be ashamed of watching in the train. But rejoice, plenty of violence. And like mentioned earlier, you get an equal amount of comic violence and real one. Plenty of dead soldiers - friend and foe - and bloodshed. It's not a splatterfest like Claymore but it's violence alright.
Conclusion: A Must See.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Dirty Pair

The Lovely Angels are pretty competent in their job. However, most of their missions end up with tremendous casualties along their way through no fault of their own. Don't think collapsed buildings - think nuked cities, space stations, planets, solar systems. This - along with their working attire - earned them the name The Dirty Pair.

The original series is pretty old and started out as a light novel (i.e. trash), became an anime and then a manga ... or rather a comic. The main guy responsible for this comic is the american Adam Warren, so this can't technically be called a manga despite the japanese drawing style. You even have to read from left to right.

But no matter who dunnit - this series is great fun and utterly chaotic. You probably won't get more chicks'n'guns per square inch than in Dirty Pair for a very long time.

Nah, the violence displayed is ... well ... much, but not the kind of nightmare inducing violence you sometimes see in other mainstream mangas (I recall a couple of very disturbing Berserk panels). And the utter disregard for human casualties is strangely undisturbing - probably because you never have to bother with the aftermath of all the carnage.
Imagine Plastic Man on a mission to recover a nuclear suitcase-bomb from terrorists. The mission succeeds although two passenger planes fly into the twin towers and the last panel shows a grinning plastic man flying away from the collapsing buildings while saying "Doh! Well, could've been worse.".
Well, you get the idea. If you can laugh to that then you'll love the Dirty Pair.